Fall 1986

September 16 Dr Ken T. Jowitt Professor of Political Sciance, U.C. Berkeley 

Gorbachev’s First Year

October 7 Dr. David Long, SJ, Director of the Near East and South Asia Division of the State Department Office of Counter Terrorism and Emergency Planning

International Terrorism: In Search of a Response

October 21 Dr. David N. Ilchert, District Director, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; with Reverand Robert McKenzie, Chairman of the Sanctuary Covenant

The Sanctuary Movement: Law vs Conscience

November 4 Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, The Greenhouse of the 21st Century

Overview of the Secret Service

November 16 Mark Shields, Washington Post Columnist, CBS and NBC Television News Analyst, ABC Commentator

American Politics – Looking Forward to 1988

December 2 Dr. Jay Ogilvy, Director of Research for the Values and Lifestyles Program, SRI International

“The Values and Lifestyles of Americans

January 6 Sarah Weddington, Former advisor to President Carter on women’s issues; legislator, educator, lawyer, columnist, and lobbyist

Women’s Rights-Where Are We?

January 20 Dr. Michael Kirst, Professor of Education, Stanford University

The Condition of Education in California

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