Fall 1984

September 18 Ray Reinhardt,
Actor, American Conservatory Theater

From First Reading to Opening Night

October 2 Condoleeza Rice,
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stanford

U. S. — U. S. S. R. Arms Control

October 16 Mel Elfin,
Senior Editor, Washington Bureau

The Next President: Does It Matter?

November 6 Jeffrey Masson,
Professor, author, Sanskrit scholar, psychoanalyst, non—practicing

New Light on Freudian Theory; Historial Scholarship vs. the Popular Press

November 20 Robert Jamplis,

American Health Care – Where Is It Going?

December 4 Malcolm Smith,
Professor of Political Science, California State University, Hayward

First Amendment Problems: are still with us — Separation of Church and State

January 8 John H. Bunzell,
U. S. Civil Rights Commission

U. S. Civil Rights Commission; Sense and Nonsense

January 22 Timothy Duncan,
General Manager, San Frncisco Ballet Co.

What Makes a Ballet Company Great?

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