Winter/Spring 1992

Marriner S. Eccles Professor of Public and Private Management, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

The U.S. Health Care System: A Paradox of Excess and Deprivation.

January 21 SMADAR LAVIE,
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Davis, author of The Poetics of Military Occupation

Arab Deserts, American Dollars, and Jewish Diasporas: Notes on the Bedouin as Israeli Colonialist Allegory.

Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley

Britain after Thatcher.

February 18 TOMMY FULCHER, Jr.,
Executive Director, Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc., San Jose

Being Black in America Today.

former Iranian hostage and Middle East consultant

Thriving on Adversity

President, Hilisdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan

Heartland America in the 1990s.

International Projects Specialist, United Airlines GARY WINTZ,
travel writer, lecturer, photographer

Tibet and the World of the Dalai Lama.

April 21 PAUL BERG,
Nobel laureate, Professor of Biochemistry, Stanford University

Genes and Disease.

civil rights attorney with the Los Angeles County Bar Association

Setting Immigration Priorities for the 90s.

Washington Bureau Chief, San Francisco Examiner

Politics of 1992.

All American athlete, explorer

Skiing to the Top of the World.

Fall 1991

September 17 GAYLORD NELSON,
former U.S. Senator, former Governor of Wisconsin, founder of Earth Day

Challenges of the Environment: Where Do We Go From Here?

October 1 CARL NOLTE,
San Francisco Chronicle Staff Reporter, correspondent during the Persian Gulf War

A War Like No Other: The Role of the Media.

October 15 KAY CLARKE, R.N.,
Chair, San Francisco Rotary’s International Services

Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford Medical School

Touch Romania: A Bay Area Experience.

Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, former Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Bank of America

What’s on the Economic Horizon?

Chief of the Cherokee Nation

History of the American Indian (To Present).

Book Editor, San Franciso Chronicle

Controversies in Publishing.

Winter/Spring 1991

January 8 Richard Lyman, Ph.D.,
Professor of Humanities, Director of Institute for International Studies, President Emeritus, Stanford University.

How New a World?: Finding Perspective in an Era of Rapid Change.

January 22 David Kennedy, Ph.D.,
William Robertson Coe Professor of History & American Studies, Stanford University.

Can We Still Afford to be a Nation of Immigrants.

February 5 Don Fehrenbacker, Ph.D.,
Coe Professor Emeritus of History, Stanford University

Lincoln & the Literary Figures of His Time.

February 19 Kathleen Cohen, Ph.D., Professor of Art History, San Jose State University

Images of the Goddess in Art & Their Meaning for Contemporary Women.

March 5 Valeria Andreevna Kukharenko, Ph.D.,
Professor, Odessa University

Women in the Soviet Union.

March 19 Tony Haney, Director

Danny Duncan, Author, Theatreworks

Go Down Garvey; Creating a New American Musical.

April 2 Alan Heimert, Ph.D.,
Cabot Professor of American Literature, Harvard University

A Brief History of Universities.

April 16 Sue Bender,
Author and Quilter

Plain & Simple: A Woman’s Journey to the Amish.

May 7 Timothy Taylor,
Managing Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives

The California Lottery.

May 21 Joel Beinin, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor History, Stanford University

Prospects for Peace in the Middle East.

June 4 Daniel Schorr,

America: Groping in the 1990’s.

Fall 1990

September 18 Amy Tan,

The Real Joy Luck Club & Other Truths about My Fiction.

October 2 Rollin Post,
Political Commentator, KRON-TV

Elections 1990.

October 16 Alan Harvey,
Director of the Lamplighters

The Story of Gilbert & Sullivan – Musical History with Four Singers.

November 6 Jonathan Marshall,
Editorial Page Editor, Oakland Tribune.

The CIA’s Role in International Drug Traffic.

November 20 Ron Nater,
International Business Consultant, SRI.

Japan, The Confused Giant.

December 4 Gabriel Almond, Ph.D.,
Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Stanford University.

Political Science in the Soviet Union.

Winter/Spring 1990

January 9 John Farquar, M.D.,
Director, Stanford Center for Research on Disease and Prevention

The American Way of Life Need Not be Hazardous to Your Health.

January 23 John Shoven, Ph.D.,
Chairman Department of Economics, Stanford University

Prospects for the U. S. Economy.

February 6 Reese Erlich, Professor of Journalism, San Francisco State; Freelance Journalist,

What Lies Ahead for Chile?

February 20 Constance Casey,
Book Critic, San Jose Mercury News

What’s Worth Reading? What’s Worth Reviewing?

March 6 Gray Brechin,
Cityscapes columnist and contributing editor, SF FOCUS magazine

Victorian Estates of the Peninsula.

March 20 Jim Murray,
Former Police Chief, Milpitas; Visting Lecturer, Chinese People’s University of Public Security, Beijing

A Policeman’s View of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

April 3 Ramona Rockway,
Opera Director and Coach; Wendy 4-lartman-Carr, Soprano, and Tenor to -be -announced

An Imaginary Tour of the Coming Opera Season, with Song and Backstage Reminisences.

April 17 George Breslauer, Ph.D.,
Professor of Political Science, Chairman, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley

Gorbachev and Eastern Europe.

May 1 Marc Reisner,
Author, Cadillac Desert

Is the Water Crisis Real?

May 15 Tom Cronin, Ph.D.,
Professor, Colorado College

Leadership in America.

June 5 Robert Maynard,
Editor, Oakland Tribune

Some Thoughts on the Media.

Fall 1989

September 19 Martha Layne Collins,
Former Governor of Kentucky

Facing Challenges — Can America Stay on Top?

October 3 Denise Erickson,
Instructor, Foothill College

New Star in Paris – Muse D’Orsay.

October 17 Anthony Arnold,
Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution

Afghanistan: The Human Problem.

November 7 W. K. Laetsch, Ph.D.,
Vice—Chancellor, University of California, Berkeley

The University of California in the 21st Century.

November 21 Nien Cheng,

Life and Death in Shanghai.

December 5 Stephen Baker, Ph.D.,
Dean, International Policy Studies Division, Monterey Institute of International Studies

Europe in 1992.

Winter/Spring 1989

January 3 Mr. John Ehrlichman,
former Assistant for Domestic Affairs to President Richard Nixon

Rx for the New President

January 17 Peter J. Duignan, Ph.D.,
Director of the African and Middle East programs, Hoover Institution

The Future of Southern Africa

February 7 Ms. Kay Mills,
Los Angeles Times editorial writer

How Female Reporters have Influenced the News.

February 21 Mr. Joel Kotkin,
West Coast Editor, Inc. Magazine

The Third Century: America’s Resurgence in the Asian Era

March 7 Mr. Orville Schell,
author and New Yorker writer

Discos and Democracy: China in the Throes of Reform

March 21 Prof. Ken Bruce,
De Anza College history department

The ’20s: Beginning of the Modern Era

April 4 Dr. W. Glenn Campbell,
Director of Hoover Institution, Stanford University

The Role of Think Tanks in American Public Policy

April 18 Prof. William M. Brinner,
Near Eastern Studies Department, UC Berkeley

The Middle East Cauldron

May 2 Prof. Diane Middlebrook,
English Department, Stanford University

Finding the Story in a Life: The Art of Biography

May 16 Mr. Dave McElbatton,
Eyewitness News Anchorman, KPIX, Channel 5, San Francisco

Inside TV News’ 89

June 6 Ms. Ellen Goodman,
Associate Editor and Columnist, The Boston Globe

At Large… Commenting on a Complex Society

Fall 1988

September 20 Phillip Butler, Ph.D.,
a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for eight years

Tragedy to Triumph

October 4 Ms. Beverly Fuchs,
Director of Group Services, Senior Coordinating Council of Palo Alto

The Graying of America

October 18 Ms. Joan Fontaine,
Academy Award-winning actress

The Golden Years of Hollywood

November 1 Ms. Loretta Green,
reporter/columnist, Peninsula Times Tribune

A Reporter’s Notebook: A Look at the Human Angle

November 15 Mr. Christopher Matthews,
Washington Bureau Chief, San Francisco Examiner

The Significance of Last Week’s Election

December 6 Dr. Loren Acton,
astronaut/scientist on the space shuttle Challenger

The Ecstasy and Agony of Spaceflight

Winter/Spring 1988

January 5 Mr. Lawrence D. Dabms,
Executive Director, 1988 Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Gridlock! Remember When ‘Getting There’ was Half the Fun?

January 19 Ms. Irene Kampen,
Author and Humorist

It’s a Funny World.

February 2 W. Mark Fruin,
Professor of Business and Economic History, California State University, Hayward

Inside Toshiba: Industrial Work in Modern Japan.

February 16 The Honorable Jean Moorhead Duffy,
former Assembly woman, California State Legislature

Laws and Sausage–Making Them Isn’t a Pretty Sight.

March 1 William Paterson,
veteran actor with the American Conservatory Theatre

My 40 Years in Regional Theatre.

March 15 Mervyn F. Silverman, M.D.,
President, American Foundation for AIDS Research

AIDS: Causes, Cure, Prevention.

April 5 Harold Gilliam,
author and environmental and futurist columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle

Carmel–An Environmental Pioneer.

April 19 Marianne Alireza,
author and former wife of Saudi Arabian diplomat

At the Drop of a Veil.

May 3 Marva Collins,
educator and founder o Chicago’s Westside Preparatory School

Relighting the Candle of Excellence.

May 17 Elie Abel,
Stanford University Professor of Journalism and former network news broadcaster

Who is Managing the News?

June 7 Scott Rice,
Professor of English at California State University, San Jose

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night… How Bad Writing Can Bring Out the Best.

Fall 1987

September 15 The Honorable Rose Elizabeth Bird,
Former Chief Justice of California

Women and the Constitutional Bicentennial.

October 6 Dr. Stephen A. Garrett,
Professor of International Policy Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies

The Central Intelligence Agency: Myths and Realities.

October 20 Dr. Terry Lynn Karl,
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

Central American Peace and Prosperity: What are the Chances?

November 3 Brigadier Francis Ingall,
Honorary Consul General of Pakistan and former commander of the famed Bengal Lancers

Pakistan Then and Now.

November 17 Mr. James D. Houston,
co-author of Farewell to Manzanar with his wife, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

The Truth About Fiction: Where is the Line Between Real and Imagined Events?

December 1 Dr. Erik Storm,
scientist and research director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

If You Thought the Energy Crisis Was Over, You Have Another Think Coming.