Winter/Spring 1987

February 3 Hank Dekker,
Ocean sailor

“Unseen Horizons: A Blind Sailor’s Odyssey”

February 17 Daniel R. Walters,
Political columnist-Sacramento Bee, author

“The New California: Facing the 21st Century”

March 3 Mitch Snyder,
National spokesman for the homeless

“The Plight of the Homeless”

March 17 Dick Carlson,
Vice-President of QED Research

“Can We Compete in the World Economy?”

April 7 Dr. William Mahrt and the Early Music Singers,
Professor of Music, Stanford University

“The Social Function of Renaissance Music”

April 21 Dr. Donald Johanson,
Director, Institute of Human Origins, paleoanthropologist

“The Origins of Humankind”

May 5 Professor Peter Smith,
Professor of Political Science and History, University of California at San Diego

“U.S.-Mexican Relations – Prospects for the 1990’s”

May 19 Justice Stanley Mosk,
Justice state supreme court

“Inside the California Supreme Court”

June 2 Helen Thomas,
UPI White House Bureau Chief

“Covering the White House from Kennedy to Reagan”

Fall 1986

September 16 Dr Ken T. Jowitt Professor of Political Sciance, U.C. Berkeley 

Gorbachev’s First Year

October 7 Dr. David Long, SJ, Director of the Near East and South Asia Division of the State Department Office of Counter Terrorism and Emergency Planning

International Terrorism: In Search of a Response

October 21 Dr. David N. Ilchert, District Director, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; with Reverand Robert McKenzie, Chairman of the Sanctuary Covenant

The Sanctuary Movement: Law vs Conscience

November 4 Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, The Greenhouse of the 21st Century

Overview of the Secret Service

November 16 Mark Shields, Washington Post Columnist, CBS and NBC Television News Analyst, ABC Commentator

American Politics – Looking Forward to 1988

December 2 Dr. Jay Ogilvy, Director of Research for the Values and Lifestyles Program, SRI International

“The Values and Lifestyles of Americans

January 6 Sarah Weddington, Former advisor to President Carter on women’s issues; legislator, educator, lawyer, columnist, and lobbyist

Women’s Rights-Where Are We?

January 20 Dr. Michael Kirst, Professor of Education, Stanford University

The Condition of Education in California

Winter/Spring 1986

January 7 Meg Greenfield,
Editor, Washington Post and columnist for Newsweek

The News Media and Its Responsibility

January 21 Ralph Salerno,
Organized crime specialist, consultant to U.S. Department of Justice, author

Organized Crime: How It Works and How It Affects You

February 4 Helen Colijn,
Ex-internee in a South Sumatra prison camp. Peninsula Women’s Chorus,
Dr. Patricia Hennings, Director.

Song of Survival -the Story of Music in a Prison Camp

February 18 Jim Jorgensen,
Author, Editor of the Jorgensen Report, host of weekly radio ar1d television shows

MoneyShock – the Future Shock of Financial Deregulation

March 4 Wilma Dykeman,
Author, lecturer, regional historian

Our Literary Roots – from the Regional to the Universal

March 18 Charles McDowell,
Washington columnist, Richmond Times Dispatch; Panelist, Washington Week in Review, PBS

Washington; What Now?

April 1 Dr. Alan Dundes,
Professor of Anthropology, U.C. Berkeley

Folklore in the Modern World

April 15 Dr. Peter Grothe,
Professor of International Policy Studies, the Monterey Institute of International Studies

Report from South Africa

May 6 Gwen King,
White House staff under Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford

21 Years in the White House

May 20 Zorn Shively,
Social Security Administrator

Will Social Security Survive?

June 3 Stirllng Silliphant,
Oscar winning motion picturetelevision writer-producer

Screenwriting: Silliphant Style

Fall 1985

September 17 Emery Kin,
White House Correspondent, NBC News

Inside the Reagan White House

October 1 Dr. Joseph Corn,
Lecturer, Program in Values,Technology, Science, & Society, Stanford University

Yesterday’s Tomorrow -America’s Romance with the Future.

October 15 Lee 0. Coldren,
U.S. Foreign Service


November 5 Dr. Victor Fuchs,
Professor of Economics, Stanford University, author

Who Shall Live -Revisited

November 19 Joanne Tanner,
Trainer, lecturer – Gorilla Foundation

Crossing Cultures with Koko

December 3 Frances Moore Lapp,
Author, Co-founder, Institute for Food and Development Policy

World Hunger

Winter/Spring 1985

February 5 Christine Bjorklund,
KGO Consumer Specialist

The Role of Media in Consumer Problems

February 19 Lela G. Noble,
Professor of Political Science, California State University, San Jose

The Philippines: After Aquino and Marcos?

March 5 Michael Brown,
News Reporter, Author

Poisoning of America by Toxic Chemicals

March 19 Malcom Miller,
Guide—Lecturer for Chartres Cathedral, Author

The Medieval Stained Glass and Sculpture of Chartres Cathedral

April 2 Alvin Rabushka,
Professor of Economics, Stanford University

The Flat Tax

April 16 Shirley Heath,
Professor of Education, Teacher, Linguist, Anthropologist, Stanford University

How Different Cultural Communications Affect Children’s Learning

May 7 Maya Angelo,
Author, Education, Singer, Actress.

Culture’s Role in Society

May 21 Thomas Fingar,
Sr. Research Associate, Northeast Asia — United States Forum on International Policy, Stanford University.

Chinese Style Socialist Modernization: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future

June 14 Anne Lamott,
Author of “Hard Laughter”

Coping and Surviving as an Autho

Fall 1984

September 18 Ray Reinhardt,
Actor, American Conservatory Theater

From First Reading to Opening Night

October 2 Condoleeza Rice,
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stanford

U. S. — U. S. S. R. Arms Control

October 16 Mel Elfin,
Senior Editor, Washington Bureau

The Next President: Does It Matter?

November 6 Jeffrey Masson,
Professor, author, Sanskrit scholar, psychoanalyst, non—practicing

New Light on Freudian Theory; Historial Scholarship vs. the Popular Press

November 20 Robert Jamplis,

American Health Care – Where Is It Going?

December 4 Malcolm Smith,
Professor of Political Science, California State University, Hayward

First Amendment Problems: are still with us — Separation of Church and State

January 8 John H. Bunzell,
U. S. Civil Rights Commission

U. S. Civil Rights Commission; Sense and Nonsense

January 22 Timothy Duncan,
General Manager, San Frncisco Ballet Co.

What Makes a Ballet Company Great?

Winter/Spring 1984

February 7 J. S. Holliday,

The Gold Rush -“… the World Rushed In”.

February 21 Barton J. Bernstein,
History Professor, Stanford University, Research team, Biomedical Innovations and Public Policy

Heroic Medicine and Public Monies

March 6 Jean Wente,

The Realties and Importance of the California Wine Industry

March 20 The Honorable Judge Joseph T. Sneed,
U.S. Circuit Judge

The Establishment of a New Court between the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court

April 3 Yvonne Jacobson,

Passing Farms and Enduring Values, The Urbanizationof Farmland

April 17 Clint E. Smith,
Senior Research Associate and Deputy Coordinator of the Project on U.S.-Mexico Relations at Stanford Food Research Institute

Central America -Implication for U.S. Foreign Policy

May 1 Bella Abzug,
Former Congresswoman, State of New York

How Women will Decide the Next Election I

May 15 Sherman Nobleman,

Sources for Creative Ideas, Interior Landscapes .

June 5 Quentill Kopp,
San Francisco Supervisor

Negotiating and Mobilizing for Major Events – i.e. National DemocraticcParty Convention

Fall 1983

September 20 Albert Hunt,
Journalist, Wall Street Journal

Politics, Power and Performance.

October 4 Roger Mack,
Social Economist, SRI International

For the Valley of the Hearts, the Future Isn’t What It Used To Be and Never Was.

October 18 Robert Gomperts,
International Businessman, World Affairs Council Lecturer

Should NATO Deploy Nuclear Missiles?

November 1 Arthur Schawlow,
Nobel Prize winner, Co—inventor of the Laser, Stanford Professor of Physics

Lasers and Their Uses.

November 15 Patricia Sanders,
Art Historian and Teacher, Dominican College, University of the Pacific, University of California, Berkeley

The Vatican Art Collection.

December 6 Barbara Babcock,
Professor of Law, Stanford University Former Assistant U. S. Attorney General

Criminal Procedure and Defending the Guilty.

January 3 Sanford Dornbusch,
Professor and Head of the Department of Sociology, Stanford University

The Family Structure — What is Changing and What is Staying the Same.

January 17 Calvin Trillin,
Author, Columnist, The New Yorker, The Nation

Uncivil Liberties.