Robert Lustig

Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, San Francsico

The Hacking of the American Mind




Robert H. Lustig, M.D., M.S.L. is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, and the Institute for Health Policy Studies at University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Lustig’s career has focused on the regulation of energy balance by the central nervous system, and the pathogenesis of chronic disease such as Type 2 Diabetes.

He is one of the leaders of the “anti-sugar” movement to improve global health. Dr. Lustig graduated from MIT in 1976, and received his M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1980. He completed his pediatric residency at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in 1983, and his clinical fellowship at UCSF in 1984. From there, he spent six years as a research associate in neuroendocrinology at The Rockefeller University. In 2013 he received his Masters in Studies of Law from UC Hastings.

He is the author of many academic works, and of the popular book Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease, the Fat Chance Cookbook, and The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of our Bodies and Brains. Dr. Lustig is the Chief Medical Officer of Slendine, a company developing products designed to improve metabolic health, and Chief Scientific Officer of EatREAL, a non-profit dedicated to reversing childhood obesity and diabetes by impacting the global food supply