Executive Director, Signature Programs, The Tech Museum of San Jose
The Tech Awards: Technology Benefiting Humanity
David Whitman is a writer and photographer whose work has appeared in
more than 100 publications and exhibitions. In collaboration with the
Uffizi Gallery and the History of Science Museum in Florence, he
coordinated The Tech Museum’s mega-exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci in
2008–09 before becoming the museum’s executive director of signature
programs, including The Tech Awards: Technology benefiting humanity.
Whitman lives on a remote ranch in Mt. Hamilton but has also
called other regions of California as well as Florida, the West
Indies, Brazil, and Europe home. For 14 years he managed Hertz Concert
Hall at his alma mater, U.C. Berkeley, working with many of the
greatest performing artists of our time. Among other pursuits, Whitman
has studied painting, music, tribal textiles, and six foreign
languages. He never tires of traveling to distant places, exploring
back roads, or hiking wild land trails with his Basenji.